Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Countdown!

This last month has been crazy!! Between work and school all of our extra time is for the wedding. Most of our planning gets done between 10-12 pm. Then it's bed time and back to the same routine the next day. (Don't get me wrong I'm way excited to get married but I'll be so happy when its over and I can get some sleep :)) Its so weird to think we will be married in 19 days! It's coming fast. There are still some things that we need to do to get ready for the big day but they will fall together some how. We've tried to have some fun along the way. Here are some pictures of what we've been doing to get away for a bit.(sort of)

 That's our apartment, shag orange carpet, green stove and a new washer and dryer. It's what you would call....a starter apartment :)
 Will picked these for me after church one day.
Will's watermelon toes :) -Shhhh...Don't tell him I have them on here :)