Sunday, January 22, 2012

Moving Forward

Things in the Bush home haven't been real exciting lately. Will and I have just been working and living life! But this last week things started to get a little crazy. Will had applied to Melaleuca and with help from my sister got an interview at the warehouse. We both hoped and prayed that he would get the job. The night before his interview I was more nervous than he was. I had the hardest time sleeping and he slept like a baby. Right before I fell asleep, I decided I better set my alarm just to be safe. Well its a good thing I did, the next morning only my alarm went off and I woke Will up. Come to find out he had set his alarm for 7pm instead of 7am. So he leaves and drives to Idaho Falls and I'm still panicking. The interview went great and a few days later they called and offered him a position. I transferred down to the Idaho Falls call center, so tomorrow morning I start my new shift. We got an apartment and are moving in the first of February, so we are only going to have to commute for about a week. We are excited about this new change in our life and can't wait to get started!