Well the big day is over, and it was amazing!! Things went great, we had our few problems, but what wedding doesn't? I'll just give a quick review of our weekend. On Thursday we took our endowments out and that's when some of the troubles began. Will and I had to be at the temple at 3:30 so we had no idea any of this happened till after. When some of the family was going to the temple they ran into a 5 car pile up, my sister, brother in law and Uncle Keith were caught up in it. My sister and brother in law made it and as they were running to the session my brother in law lost his recommend. Lucky for him the temple let him in with a quick background check. (I'm surprised he passed ;) jk!) My Uncle made it in after the session. It was great to have everyone there for that special time.
The next day was the big day! We had to be at the temple at 7:05 am. So I woke up at 5 and started getting ready. We were all running around crazy trying to get ready when 6:45 comes around and we are still at the house. At 7:05 when we should have been at the temple we were flying down the interstate trying to make it. We finally got there and ran to the temple. I've never seen my dad run so fast with a wedding dress in his hands. I would have paid big bucks to see a video of it. We go in the temple and we are checking in and Will turns to me and says, " I sure hope you got the marriage license" My face went blank. I left it in the car....It's a good thing Jason was with us, he grabbed the keys and booked it back to the car. About 2 mins after he left, I remembered that I left Will's ring in the cup holder in the car. I just kinda kept it to myself till Will turned to me again and asked, "Where is my ring?" So I had to tell him. Good thing he had his CTR ring on, we just used that until we got his. So we get checked in and we go to give our recommends to the front desk and I turn around and my mom is digging through her purse and shaking her head. Turns out on the mad dash to the temple she had lost hers! Jason being experienced in this area told her to have them look her up. So they did and she was let in. After that everything ran smoothly and we were sealed for time and all eternity. Saturday we headed to Ontario OR for our ring ceremony and reception. Everything went great there and we had a good time spending time with Will's mom. We headed back to Rexburg for the week so I could go back to school. Then on Saturday we headed down to NM for our other reception. Will's first time in NM...it was funny to see his face. He asked tons of questions about what it was like, and when we got there they were quickly answered. None of this would have been possible without the help from our family and friends. We are so thankful for you guys and love you very much.