Sunday, December 25, 2011

Our First Christmas

Our first Christmas was so much fun. Will had talked me into getting him an Xbox on Black Friday (I got a killer deal on it) I told him he couldn't open it until Christmas. Of course I couldn't keep my word on that. He would ask everyday and Natalie and Jason would send me pictures of the Disneyland game we had gotten. So we opened that early but i still wrapped the box for him to open. My parents came up to spend Christmas with us. It was fun to have them over. On Christmas morning we opened presents at our house and then went to my sister Ashely's to watch the kids open their presents. And to end it all we had Christmas breakfast of course!

 Dad modeling his Super Mario PJ's

 New Christmas tradition...Matching PJ's

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

New Chapter!

Ok, Brother Howard I'm updating the blog just for you. Since I last updated many things have happened of course. The most exciting though is that I graduated from school on Oct. 14th. I was supposed to graduate on the 15th and I was going to pamper my parents all day, well I found out the day before I graduated that I was graduating early. So my parents weren't up here and wouldn't be able to get to Rexburg till that night. So they didn't get any pampering done but we got to hang out and party all weekend. It was a lot of fun. The next step in getting my license was taking the state tests. The written part was in Pocatello and so me and Sarah drove down took the test and we both passed!! We were so excited. Then this last weekend was the practical part. So me and Will hopped in the car and drove down to Boise. We left super early on Sunday so we could go to Ontario for church. Will was able to see some of his friends and we got to spend time with the Howards, Which is always fun. We headed back to Boise to find out hotel, From the outside it looked really nice and fancy. We both just looked at each other and thought this will be cool! We check in and go to our room, the halls are tiny and the doors are wooden, like old school wooden with mirrors everywhere. We finally find our room and I get my state board stuff ready, order pizza and we start playing games. (Will is not very good at Mad Gab and he doesn't really like the game) Then Will sat on the bed and he sunk very low.  And just our luck! The bed was broken!! So we called down to the front and someone came and looked at it and said we better stay in this room cause its one of the nicer rooms. Joy....We went and scoped out the room where I would be taking the test and the tables were super low! Even with the peg for my manikin head wasn't high enough. And being the smart person I was I did a hard work out the night before so my legs were jello and i brought a skirt to wear and not pants...It was a fun couple of hours. The test went good and after we went to the mall and shopped then met Dani at Red Robin for some lunch. It was a pretty fun weekend!!

We also got a new car. It wasn't our plan but it was a good deal and we needed another car. It's an '05 Honda Accord. Very nice had low miles and looked pretty much brand new! So its our new baby for a while.

Friday, October 14, 2011


I finally graduated from Hair school!! That was the longest, hardest year, but I am glad I did it. I learned so much about not only myself but of course hair. I met some of my closest friends there. I will have many many memories of school and being with Miss Kim everyday. Ponytails aren't the same, smocks/aprons make me sick, if I smell anything raspberry vanilla I only think of the manikin conditioner. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

War Bonnet

We went to the War Bonnet Rodeo with Natalie and Carson. It was so much fun. It was a really nice day so no one thought about bringing jackets. Of course I was cold, so I had a jacket with me and its a good thing I did. Once we got seated and the some of the events had started, Mother Nature decided it would be fun to have a huge rain storm! So threw my jacket over Carson and everyone ran under the bleachers to try to get out of the rain. While it was raining, a lady decided to go out in the arena and start dancing until the rain stopped. She was pretty funny to watch. The rain finally stopped and we stay until the bull riding was over. (that's the best part in my opinion) I wish I had more pictures but I only have the one after we got soaked!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Big Day!!

Well the big day is over, and it was amazing!! Things went great, we had our few problems, but what wedding doesn't? I'll just give a quick review of our weekend. On Thursday we took our endowments out and that's when some of the troubles began. Will and I had to be at the temple at 3:30 so we had no idea any of this happened till after. When some of the family was going to the temple they ran into a 5 car pile up, my sister, brother in law and Uncle Keith were caught up in it. My sister and brother in law made it and as they were running to the session my brother in law lost his recommend. Lucky for him the temple let him in with a quick background check. (I'm surprised he passed ;) jk!) My Uncle made it in after the session. It was great to have everyone there for that special time.
The next day was the big day! We had to be at the temple at 7:05 am. So I woke up at 5 and started getting ready. We were all running around crazy trying to get ready when 6:45 comes around and we are still at the house. At 7:05 when we should have been at the temple we were flying down the interstate trying to make it. We finally got there and ran to the temple. I've never seen my dad run so fast with a wedding dress in his hands. I would have paid big bucks to see a video of it. We go in the temple and we are checking in and Will turns to me and says, " I sure hope you got the marriage license" My face went blank. I left it in the car....It's a good thing Jason was with us, he grabbed the keys and booked it back to the car. About 2 mins after he left, I remembered that I left Will's ring in the cup holder in the car. I just kinda kept it to myself till Will turned to me again and asked, "Where is my ring?" So I had to tell him. Good thing he had his CTR ring on, we just used that until we got his. So we get checked in and we go to give our recommends to the front desk and I turn around and my mom is digging through her purse and shaking her head. Turns out on the mad dash to the temple she had lost hers! Jason being experienced in this area told her to have them look her up. So they did and she was let in. After that everything ran smoothly and we were sealed for time and all eternity. Saturday we headed to Ontario OR for our ring ceremony and reception. Everything went great there and we had a good time spending time with Will's mom. We headed back to Rexburg for the week so I could go back to school. Then on Saturday we headed down to NM for our other reception. Will's first time in was funny to see his face. He asked tons of questions about what it was like, and when we got there they were quickly answered. None of this would have been possible without the help from our family and friends. We are so thankful for you guys and love you very much.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Countdown!

This last month has been crazy!! Between work and school all of our extra time is for the wedding. Most of our planning gets done between 10-12 pm. Then it's bed time and back to the same routine the next day. (Don't get me wrong I'm way excited to get married but I'll be so happy when its over and I can get some sleep :)) Its so weird to think we will be married in 19 days! It's coming fast. There are still some things that we need to do to get ready for the big day but they will fall together some how. We've tried to have some fun along the way. Here are some pictures of what we've been doing to get away for a bit.(sort of)

 That's our apartment, shag orange carpet, green stove and a new washer and dryer. It's what you would call....a starter apartment :)
 Will picked these for me after church one day.
Will's watermelon toes :) -Shhhh...Don't tell him I have them on here :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

We are getting married!!

Welp it finally happened. We are engaged :) So this is the story...
 I was having a rough day at school and I didn't want to go to work, but Will insisted that I go to work. So I went and we were really slow so I got to go home 2 hours early. So I called him to come pick me up and when he answered he asked why I was coming home and sounded really panicked. So he finally came and got me and the first thing that he said was ''we are going to dinner."  I didn't want to go to dinner but who could pass up Wingers? (not this girl) While we are at dinner Will was acting really weird, texting someone the whole time and wouldn't tell me who. So I was getting more frustrated. After we ate we went back to my house and I was going to go get in my PJ's so I go down stairs and try to open my door and I couldn't. This is what I found

Over 400 balloons in my room. When I saw this I turned around and yelled up the stairs "Will you're such a jerk!!" Then tried to go in again and when I couldn't I was just going to go back upstairs and when I turned around I saw will with this....

A funfetti cookie :) When I saw this I couldn't be mad at him. So I gave in and said yes! We'll just say there always is a plus side to having a bad day. It just so happened that my day ended with a beautiful ring and a Fiance :)

The wedding is June 24th in the Salt Lake Temple!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Man I wish I could speak goose!!

This weekend we were supposed to go to Astoria to visit Will's mom but we weren't able to :( This week was crazy busy, between my final, work and getting laryngitis, it was nice to just stay home and relax. Will surprised me with something that I've wanted for a long time, since I did good on my final. He got me ....
 I must say I was one happy little girl when I got home from work. I knew I loved him :) After we watched conference on Sunday, it looked like it was gonna be a pretty nice day so we headed to the nature park to take a walk and look at the ducks. Not only did I learn that I can speak goose (and embarrass the crap out of Will) we found the swan princess! See look!!

We are both glad this week is over and hope we can survive this one coming up!

Monday, March 28, 2011

How we met you ask?

I owe it all to my old roommate Karina. When I started school in September I would go to school all week then on Saturday when I was done, I would head to my sisters in Shelly and spend the weekend with them. You would call me very antisocial at the time. One monday I came home and was having a rough day. Karina was so excited because some friends from back home were coming and they were going to go to lunch. She invited me to go and I did not want to go, but she begged and pleaded so I gave in and went. And this is where it begins..When I met Will I was kinda interested but didn't want to get involved because I wanted to focus on school and not have a distraction. (ya that worked real well) We started talking and found out we have a lot in common. They came over later that night and Will kept talking to me trying to get info out of me but I was still in my antisocial box. Then out of no where he decides he wants cookies. I had a funfetti cookie mix but no frosting. So at 11:30 pm me and Will head out to Broulims to get some frosting.  Never in my life would I do that with a guy I just met, but I did. In that short 10 min trip I slowly came out of my box and thought "Hey, he's not so bad after all" So long story short we made an awesome humongous cookie..and this is what it looked like..
It is/was our tradition to make one of these amazing cookies every time Will would come to visit me. Now Will is moved here to Rexburg after 5 months of dating and I must is soo much better! Its so nice seeing him everyday and being able to do things with him. This weekend we are going up to his home town, Astoria Oregon, to visit his mom and his buddies. It's going to be so much fun! I'll post pictures and embarrassing stories when we get back! (cause I'm sure there will be some!)