Monday, May 2, 2011

We are getting married!!

Welp it finally happened. We are engaged :) So this is the story...
 I was having a rough day at school and I didn't want to go to work, but Will insisted that I go to work. So I went and we were really slow so I got to go home 2 hours early. So I called him to come pick me up and when he answered he asked why I was coming home and sounded really panicked. So he finally came and got me and the first thing that he said was ''we are going to dinner."  I didn't want to go to dinner but who could pass up Wingers? (not this girl) While we are at dinner Will was acting really weird, texting someone the whole time and wouldn't tell me who. So I was getting more frustrated. After we ate we went back to my house and I was going to go get in my PJ's so I go down stairs and try to open my door and I couldn't. This is what I found

Over 400 balloons in my room. When I saw this I turned around and yelled up the stairs "Will you're such a jerk!!" Then tried to go in again and when I couldn't I was just going to go back upstairs and when I turned around I saw will with this....

A funfetti cookie :) When I saw this I couldn't be mad at him. So I gave in and said yes! We'll just say there always is a plus side to having a bad day. It just so happened that my day ended with a beautiful ring and a Fiance :)

The wedding is June 24th in the Salt Lake Temple!!

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